Inspired by a personal growing awareness of the world, and of the impact of humanity upon it, I created these drawings to communicate the importance of environmentalism and social awareness. While it is important to look for the beauty in our surroundings, there are ugly truths that cannot be ignored. Huge piles of garbage float in our oceans; whales starve because they eat so much plastic that they don’t have room in their stomachs for food; smog and smoke from factories poison the lungs of birds; people are living in poverty; and all the while the rich get richer. What is the cost of profit? What happens when human greed corrupts the most well-intentioned systems? Reflecting upon our actions is detrimental to making the changes necessary to create a sustainable means of living with our planet instead of just on it.
Buy 8×10″ Prints
“Trash Whale” 8×10″ Print
“Capitalism is a Soul Sucking Monster” 8×10″ Print
“Support Sustainable Energy” 8×10″ Print