I draw a lot of flowers for The Foliage Library, a book series about nature I co-illustrate with a friend, and on a whim decided to illustrate all the flowers from all the books all in one poster. It turned out to be a rather elaborate illustration, but was well worth the effort (and hand cramps)!
The smaller flower illustrations are a “Flower of the Month” series that The Foliage Library offered as part of a Kickstarter reward for the publication of 24 Hour Flowers. I drew them in pen and ink, and my friend and co-illustrator on these projects colored them digitally in Adobe Illustrator. Those that chose this as a Kickstarter reward received a full color print of a new flower every month in the mail for a year.
The Foliage Library also made a few limited edition holiday card designs, including an Easter Cactus and a Christmas Cactus for the holidays that share their names.